Irish Historical Society

Officers and Committee 2025

Prof Tadhg Ó hAnnracháin
University College Dublin

Dr Timothy Murtagh
Trinity College Dublin

Dr Brian Hughes
Mary Immaculate College

Committee of seven
Professor Michael Cronin
Professor Lindsey Earner-Byrne
Professor Diarmaid Ferriter
Professor Jacqueline Hill
Professor James Kelly
Professor Jane Ohlmeyer
Dr Jennifer Redmond

Irish Historical Society


All meetings will be held at 19:00 at Boston College, No. 43 St. Stephen's Green, and hybrid via Zoom.
A link to join online will be made available before each meeting.

28 January:        'Democracy and political participation in early modern Ireland’
                             Dr Bríd McGrath

25 February:     Out-going IHS Presidential Address
                            Prof Lindsey Earner-Byrne

25 March:          ‘Ulster's Lost Counties: Loyalism and Paramilitarism since 1920’
                            Dr Ed Burke

22 April:             'Manuscripts of the medieval English lordship of Ireland'
  Dr Caoimhe Whelan

23 September:  'Narratives of violence: Considering Irish Women's Life Written
                            asTestimony, 1760-1810'
Dr Amy Prendergast

28 October:      'Compensation in Irish History, 1641-1923'
                            Panel Discussion

25 November:   'From That Small Island: The Story of the Irish'
                            Professor Bríona Nic Dhiarmada

Admission to I.H.S. talks is free and all are welcome.

If you would like to join our mailing list to be updated about notices of IHS and other historical events please email the secretary at irishhistoricalsociety at

For further updates on the Society’s activities please follow: 


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